Here you can find smart and short answers to some interesting FAQ related to keys, security issues and locks

Read the following answers to frequently asked questions related to keys and locks and change your life. Stop wondering about various things concerning your security and find great ways to protect your properties. They are short in size and rich in content. Enjoy them!

I always lose or misplace my keys. Should I change to keyless entry?

Lost house keys are very common, and if you always lose your keys then it may be time to change to a keyless entry. Our experts suggest that you consider having the system installed and you will only have a remote to open and close your locks.

Can I just open locks by myself with lock opening tools?

No. It is illegal to have your own lock opening tools. Only a professional locksmith can possess these tools. They are illegal because they can be used in break-ins and burglaries. Stores are prohibited from selling them to regular people, who might use them inappropriately.

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